The Support Hunting Association is one of the UK's most prominent pro-hunting organisations, now incorporating issues related to Game Shooting, Fox Hunting and Angling.
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Have you seen these pages?
Police View of a hunting ban - Two chief constables voice their concern on a ban on hunting.
Timelines -On the current Hunting Bill, the attempts to ban hunting, and on the ban in Scotland.
Hunting vs. Human Rights - Parliament has advised that the Hunting Bill is incompatible with the Human Rights Act.
The ban has guaranteed that the time and money invested by the League Against Cruel Sports and the RSPCA has increased animal suffering. We told them this would happen. This rise in suffering since the ban is the cost of ignoring that warning!
Daily Telegraph
3 May 2005.
Numerous police officers accompanied the more than 250 hunts which took place yesterday, the first day that the sport became illegal. Despite the friendly exchanges between officers and huntsmen and women, the presence of the police posed a question: what public good were they trying to uphold?
Daily Telegraph
20 February 2005.
Comments, Quotes & Letters |
This page features a selection of comments, quotes and letters regarding hunting. |
Every time I see the Countryside Alliance and their contorted faces I redouble my determination to vote in the House of Commons to abolish foxhunting forever,

John Prescott, Deputy Prime Minister
Labour Party Conference - 2002.
Most definitely it should be banned. It's not a sport, just an archaic game for the rich.

Comment on a BBC News 'Your view on hunting
page' - June 2003
I recently had the opportunity to follow a foxhunt. I was hesitant at first because of my qualms about animal cruelty. I was under the impression that it was going to be an upper-class affair.
What I found, much to my surprise, were farmers of no high society. I saw parents spending time with their children, talking with them and sharing an experience, a common ground. I saw couples enjoying each other’s company. I saw friends discussing world and local issues. We followed the hunt for a few hours but I never even saw a fox.

Letter to the Telegraph - July 2003
Gun packs might not actually be hunting but it is all our urban masters have decreed we are allowed to do.

Malcolm Bell McDonald
Joint master of the Dumfriesshire hunt,
referring to the Scottish ban - August 2003
What are the big issues? The NHS. Crime. Education. Europe. And Pensions.
What is the Government up to?
Banning foxhunting.
But the new law is just a sop to labour diehards and won't take effect for two years.
What a waste of Parliament's time and energy.

The Sun Says
Sun newspaper - 9 September 2004
...of course, we know that this Government doesn’t understand our rural way of life... They know what they think is most important for our countryside - they’re going to ban hunting.

Theresa May
The then shadow secretary of state for the environment, at the Conservative Party Spring Conference 2004
I think it is quite wrong to see fox hunting as the big issue in the countryside. I think people in the countryside are interested in the issues like rural transport, crime, the future of the post offices, jobs in the countryside.

Tony Blair
BBC Breakfast - 26th July 1999
Parliament's vote for an outright ban on hunting with dogs fills many of my fellow officers with dread… because of the practical implications of enforcing such a ban. Enforcing the Act would be difficult. It is impractical to stop and arrest huntspeople on horseback and seize the hounds and horses they use to commit the offence. No police force has the resources to do this…
What is also not clear is where the Government expects enforcement of this legislation to sit in terms of policing priorities. The police will, of course, try to enforce any new law. If it means we come into conflict with our rural communities, that is the price of democracy…. The police resources spent on hunting will still be needed because those who have campaigned so hard for a ban on hunting are targeting shooting next."

Alastair McWhirter
Rural Policing Spokesman for the Association of Chief Police Officers, writing in The Times - 3rd July 2003
Has this Government ditched foxhunting, or might the end of foxhunting ditch this Government? The next election will be close, and I suspect the Prime Minister was right in supposing that an outright ban could well turn out to be a minus rather than a plus for Labour.
There's precious little gratitude in politics. Friends of the fox and foes of foxhunters will not queue up to vote Labour next time. If their tax bill goes up, hunting will seem irrelevant. But in the quasi-rural seats, on which Labour depends for the sort of majority it enjoys today, I see no great joy for its members.
Some rural jobs will go. The local newspapers may carry pictures of dead foxhounds. Photographs of foxes maimed by shotguns will certainly be on the market.
Those who speak for the police are already asking if they are expected to enforce this ban as well as catch burglars. Enthusiasts in the animal lobby will be advertising unhelpfully their next target - be it fishing, shooting or horse racing.
And there will be many folk who do not feel strongly either way about foxhunting but already think that Blair's government is too bossy by half. No smoking, no hunting - whatever next? They may decide that criminalising an ancient recreation that presents no threat to public safety is divisive, intolerant and wrong.

W F Deedes
Telegraph Opinions - 7th July 2003