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Have you seen these pages?
Police View of a hunting ban - Two chief constables voice their concern on a ban on hunting.
Timelines -On the current Hunting Bill, the attempts to ban hunting, and on the ban in Scotland.
Hunting vs. Human Rights - Parliament has advised that the Hunting Bill is incompatible with the Human Rights Act.


The ban has guaranteed that the time and money invested by the League Against Cruel Sports and the RSPCA has increased animal suffering. We told them this would happen. This rise in suffering since the ban is the cost of ignoring that warning!
Daily Telegraph
3 May 2005.

Numerous police officers accompanied the more than 250 hunts which took place yesterday, the first day that the sport became illegal. Despite the friendly exchanges between officers and huntsmen and women, the presence of the police posed a question: what public good were they trying to uphold?
Daily Telegraph
20 February 2005.
Facts & Figures

Below are numerous facts & figures relating to hunting in the UK, from the Countryside Alliance.
Please Note that some of the figures may be slightly out of date.

General Figures

There are 318 registered hound packs in England and Wales:
184 Foxhound packs recognised by the Masters of Foxhounds Association (1)
20 Harrier packs recognised by the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles (1)
3 Deer packs recognised by the Masters of Deer Hounds Association
72 Beagle packs recognised by the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles (1)
10 Basset packs recognised by the Masters of Basset Hounds Association
20 Mink packs recognised by the Masters of Mink Hounds Association
9 Fell packs recognised by the Central Committee of Fell Packs
50% were founded before 1869 and 29% post 1930.
Only 36 hunts are the result of amalgamation; 33% pre 1969,33% 1970-1984 and 33% post
272 packs have total registered hunting country amounting to 133,600 square miles. 26% of
this is not hunted for reasons of safety (motorways, roads, railways and development), only
3% is not hunted because permission is denied.
The majority of hunts own their property, facilities and equipment. Their inventory includes
200 owned kennels, 152 slaughter houses, 145 incinerators, 309 houses, 64 flats, 6460 acres
of covert and 1440 acres of paddocks.
They own 241 lorries, 188 trucks and pick ups and 23 quad bikes and ATV's.
They own 834 horses probably worth some £1.7million, 15,000 'entered' hounds and 4178
'un-entered' hounds.
There are 748 joint or single hunt Masters (average 2.7 per hunt). They have 510 full time
hunt employees (average 2.6 per hunt) and 325 part time employees (average 1.7 per hunt).
Total employees plus 'professional' masters amount to about 950.
260 hunts have the services of 3115 'puppy walkers', an average of 12 per hunt.

273 hunts have a total of 28,300 subscribers, including members (100 per hunt).
205 hunts have a total of 39,000 supporters club members (190 per hunt).
158 mounted packs average 13 mounted visitors per hunting day. This is an annual attendance
of 176,700 day visitors per season.
273 hunts hold a total of 18,000 hunting days each season.
Total annual 'attendance' at all meets is 1,280,000 persons of 541,000 (42%) are on horses
and 741,000 (58%) are on foot.
Fox hunts caught 13,987 foxes last season, of which 8,896 (64% ) were 'above ground' and
5,091 (36% ) were dug.
285 hunts organise over 21 different types of equestrian and social events. Each year this total
3,950 functions with an overall attendance of 1,326,000 people. They raise £4.5million.
Income & Revenue

Total hunt income is £14.9million per annum. This derives 57% from member and subscriber
charges, 30% from hunt fund raising and 13% from other sources.
Hunt revenue expenditure is £14.07 million per annum. 40% of expenditure is direct
employment. Annual capital expenditure averages £2.9million in total.
Fallen stock; 200 hunts collect 366,000 head of fallen stock per annum. This is an average of
1,830 head per hunt. 80% of hunts estimate that demand for this service from farmers is
growing by up to 50% per annum
These 200 hunts spend a total of £3.37million annually on collecting this stock. This is an
average of £18,000 per hunt and £9.20 per animal collected.
Hunt Supporters

124 supporters' clubs associated with foxhounds, staghounds, beagles and harriers and
terriers and lurchers. Total membership is 21,576.
45% of all members are female, 13% are under 18 and 34% are a part of a family group.
Members have a diverse range of occupations, most frequent are:
Retired 20%
Agricultural workers 17%
'Professionals' 14%
Membership is two-thirds 'rural' based:
living in rural situations 41 %
living in a village 23%
living in a town 17%
living in a city 7%
Ethnic grouping. 80% of clubs have only 'white' members. Seven clubs have an average of
2-3 members who are 'non-white', nine clubs have just 1-2 'non-white' members.
81% of clubs follow only their own hunt. Half of the clubs have some link with at least one
other club.
It is estimated that the average supporters' club member will attend more than 20 'hunting'
events within a season.
89 clubs state that in addition to their average membership of 170 people, a further 87 non-
members (average) are regular visitors to the hunts they support. Over the 124 packs, this is
a further 10,700 non-member followers.
7.5% of hunt supporters follow the hunt by car.
15% follow the hunt on foot.
6% follow the hunt on motor bikes.
4% follow the hunt on bicycles.
These 124 supporters clubs organise 1,680 social or fund raising functions each year, an
average of 14 for each club.
260 charities (50 different ones) are supported by 123 of these 124 clubs. Over 2 per club.
Annual membership costs between £6 and £12 with some flexibility.
Were there to be a ban on hunting with dogs, 260 club members (1.2%) might follow blood
hounds, 466 members (2.2% ) might follow drag hounds.

Classification of businesses was difficult but broadly they are:
44 % Service businesses
30 % Retailers
15 % Mixed
9% Manufacturers
Business structure -46% are sole traders, 32% partnerships, 21% limited companies.
75% of all businesses trade with hunts. On average with over 3 hunts.
95% of the businesses deal with hunt subscribers or followers.
42% of all the businesses derive more than 30% of their turnover from hunts or hunt subscribers.
Amongst the 249 'small' businesses (£50,000) 60% derive more than 30% of their turnover
from hunts or hunt subscribers.
914 of these businesses together employ over 8,300 full time employees and 650 employ
3,200 part time employees. Average: 9.1 full time and 4.9 part time.
About 70% of all full time workers are employed by the 258 'large' businesses. The 249 small
businesses employ only 380 (5% ) full time employees.
56% of the part time workers work with 'large' businesses, 10% with 'small' businesses.
However, 41% of all full time workers are village based as are 54% of all part timers.
Businesses with more than 30% of their turnover dependant upon hunts or hunt subscribers
employ 1,386 full time workers and 560 part time.
523 businesses (52% ) claimed that they would have to reduce staff if a hunting ban were
259 businesses with more than 30% of their turnover from hunts and hunt subscribers were
more pessimistic. About 80% of these forecast staff reduction.
523 businesses envisage around 1,000 job losses in total:
about 750 from village based businesses.
about 300 in the Midlands region.
about 550 from businesses with more than 30% turnover dependent upon hunting.
96% of all businesses claimed a hunting ban would have some effect on them.
38% a "limited effect"
38% a "serious effect"
and 19% said that "they may not even survive".
The segments most adversely affected being:
69% of small businesses.
61% of village based businesses
Prospects for re-employment were not clear or were seen as very limited.
75% of informants rate hunting as being at least "quite important" to their personal and social
life. 54% of all informants claimed it as being "a part of my life".

Info on Figures

1. Figures taken from MFHA, AMHB evidence to Burns Inquiry

All other figures from Produce Studies Research:

National Survey of Hunts. February 2000
Employment Generated by Foxhunting in Great Britain. February 2000
A study of Hunt Supporters clubs in England & Wales. February 2000

Related Links
'Facts & Figures
Countryside Alliance, External Link


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