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The Support Hunting Association is one of the UK's most prominent pro-hunting organisations, now incorporating issues related to Game Shooting, Fox Hunting and Angling.
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Have you seen these pages?
Police View of a hunting ban - Two chief constables voice their concern on a ban on hunting.
Timelines -On the current Hunting Bill, the attempts to ban hunting, and on the ban in Scotland.
Hunting vs. Human Rights - Parliament has advised that the Hunting Bill is incompatible with the Human Rights Act.


The ban has guaranteed that the time and money invested by the League Against Cruel Sports and the RSPCA has increased animal suffering. We told them this would happen. This rise in suffering since the ban is the cost of ignoring that warning!
Daily Telegraph
3 May 2005.

Numerous police officers accompanied the more than 250 hunts which took place yesterday, the first day that the sport became illegal. Despite the friendly exchanges between officers and huntsmen and women, the presence of the police posed a question: what public good were they trying to uphold?
Daily Telegraph
20 February 2005.
Tories confirm they would overturn hunt ban - 9 Sept. 2004

The Tories have confirmed that they will overturn any hunting ban if they return to power.

Conservatives LogoConservative environment spokesman Tim Yeo said on Thursday that his party was determined to reverse any hunting ban.

He told "If Labour railroad through a Bill to ban hunting, by using the Parliament Act, we will introduce a Government Bill to reverse Labour's ban."

Mr Yeo added: "All Conservatives front and back bench will be allowed a free vote in both Houses of Parliament. The vast majority of Conservatives believe a ban is an infringement of civil liberties and damaging to the countryside.'

Earlier this year, Mr Yeo's predecessor - Theresa May - told a fringe meeting in Harrogate that a future Tory government would uphold the right of people to participate in country sports, hinting then that the party would overturn any ban on the sport.

However, also speaking at the Conservative Spring Forum in Harrogate, party co-chairman Liam Fox declined to confirm reports that any fox-hunting ban would immediately be repealed.
“Whether we will immediately do it is something we have still to decide,” he said.

Related links
Conservative Party Press Release | 9 September 2004
"Blair's Government Is Un-British - Tories"
The Scotsman | 8 March 2004
"Howard tells the Tories how to win next election"
The Telegraph | 8 March 2004


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